Open Enrollment for 2025-2026 begins April 22nd!
Open Enrollment for 2025-2026 begins April 22nd!
1010 Moore Road, Michigan City, IN 46360
Notre Dame Catholic Church, Michigan City
Pastor: Father Keith McClellan, 219-872-4844
Deacon Douglas Noveroske
Pastoral Associate: Julie Wadle
Church-related business is conducted Tuesday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m.
Phone: 219-872-4844
Monday, Tuesday, and Friday at 8:00 AM
First Saturday of the Month at 8:00 AM
Wednesday and Thursday - School Mass is at 8:30 AM
During the Summer Months - Daily Mass is at 8:00 AM Monday through Friday
Saturday 4:00 PM
Sunday 9:30 AM
Offered every Saturday, 2:45-3:45 PM, or by appointment.
Daily Readings can be found at:
NWI Catholic Newspaper -
Parish Information
As a faith community, Notre Dame Church in Michigan City includes a wide range of parishioners residing throughout the region; families with children enrolled in our school; young adults, retirees and seasonal visitors. Embracing this diversity we will focus on bringing Christ and His teachings - the Good News - alive in the way we live and in how we interact with our parish, our school and the extended community. We seek to welcome all to the Eucharist, to create better fellowship, to enrich and deepen our spiritual lives, and to fully embrace discipleship and stewardship in the Catholic Church.
The Pastoral Center is the heart of daily activity at Notre Dame Parish. There you may obtain parish registration forms to join Notre Dame Church, general parish information, sacramental records, mass intentions, information about the Catholic Church, and appointments with the pastor.
Parish meetings and activities generally take place in the hall or meeting room of the Parish Center.
All services, including daily Mass, continue to be held in the main church.
The following practices remain in force at Notre Dame:
The sacraments are central to Catholic faith. Jesus Christ is the supreme sacrament. As Saint Paul wrote, “He is the image of the invisible God, the first-born of all creatures” (Colossians 1:15). Saint John the Evangelist expresses this in another way: “No one has ever seen God. It is God the only Son, ever at the Father’s side, who has revealed him” (John 1:18).
Jesus, in his earthly ministry, made God known through signs. With a word and a touch, Jesus once snatched a little girl from death (Mark 5:22-23,35-43). With a mud salve, he gave sight to a blind man (John 9:1-7). With the encouraging words, “Your sins are forgiven,” he released a repentant woman from untold distress (Luke 7:48). Multiplying loaves, breaking bread, or passing a cup of wine, Jesus nourished multitudes with his very self, flesh and blood. With a deep breath, he bestowed the Holy Spirit on the first small community of believers (John 19:30; 20:22-23).
The glorified Christ sent his Spirit upon the Church to prolong these signs in every generation, time, and place, making them available to all. In these signs, which we call sacraments, we have a true encounter with God, through Jesus Christ, personally and in the community of the Church. The wonder of the sacraments is that what they signify, they also give: rebirth, mercy, healing, communion with God and others, grace, love, spiritual power, mission, and eternal life.
Sacrament of Baptism
Adult Formation
Sacrament of Marriage
Sacrament of the Sick
Holy Communion for the Homebound
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