Open Enrollment for 2025-2026 begins April 22nd!
Open Enrollment for 2025-2026 begins April 22nd!
Established in 1985, the mission of the Notre Dame Foundation is to support, assist, and expand the efforts of the Notre Dame School to foster learning through an unsurpassed faith-based education. Along with the Church and School, the Notre Dame Foundation is a vital third leg of the Parish community.
Our role is truly foundational: We serve to create a stable base of long-term support for the Parish community as we prepare young people for extraordinary lives. We maintain and cultivate a long-term endowment that ensures the long-term health of the school, as well as make annual, significant contributions to the needs of the school’s physical infrastructure, teaching staff, and curriculum.
It has never been more true that the education of our children rests in the hands of not only parents and teachers, but hundreds of mentors, administrators, parishioners, neighbors, and friends. Each student in each class in each grade at Notre Dame is there because of the generosity of thousands who have come before.
Our generation owes its thanks to the previous generations who had the foresight to value a quality religious education for our local community. Your gift to the Notre Dame Foundation acknowledges the contribution each of us received from previous students and parents, and extends that generosity to the next generation of Catholic families. What better way to recognize the impact of Notre Dame on your child than with a gift towards the future of the school – will you support us today?
The Notre Dame Foundation is a not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) organization and is tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.
330-398-2332 or
Make a Donation to
The Notre Dame School
Foundation of
Long Beach, Indiana
Donations can also be mailed to:
Notre Dame School Foundation
P.O. Box 8731
Michigan City, IN 46361
In the past thirty-eight years, thousands of students have benefited from the Foundation.
Memorializing a loved one with a gift to the Notre Dame School Foundation will allow Catholic education in northwest Indiana and southwestern Michigan will remain strong and growing. Memorials can be created for a specific purposes or can simply support for the Notre Dame School Foundation.
We invite you to become part of this legacy through planned gifting. Your planned gift will help insure the viability and success of Notre Dame School and confirm that it will remain a quality education option to all students.
A gift made through a will, living trust, real estate or other donated assets is convenient to arrange. A simple provision or amendment prepared by your attorney at the time you make, or update, your plans is all that is necessary. The Foundation has relationship with several estate planning attorneys that can provide confidential, personalized reviews and demonstrate how you can utilize planning strategies to benefit both your loved ones and the Foundation.
There are numerous types of planned gifts that can be arranged with the Foundation including charitable gift annuities, deferred gift annuities, bequests, and life insurance, as well as transferring assets of real and appreciated property. The Foundation is happy to provide you with a professional to assist you with determining the best strategy for each individual. Some planned gift options include:
Payments to donors begin as soon as the gift is made, and donors receive immediate tax deductions.
The donor has flexibility in determining the start date of payments. For example, if the gift is made at age 50, the donor may choose the starting date of the payments anytime between the ages of 55 and 80. Charitable deductions are available immediately.
The donor names the Foundation as the remainder beneficiary of their estate, or makes a specific bequest in a stated amount or percentage, The donor can designate how the donor would like the funds used, i.e., financial aid, endowment, construction, etc. Please use the following sample language when you create a bequest for the Notre Dame School Foundation. If you want your bequest to benefit a specific purpose, simply add the name of the program to the bequest language in lieu of the words “general purposes” below.
"I give and bequeath to the Notre Dame School Foundation of Long Beach, Indiana, Inc., an Indiana not-for-profit corporation located in Michigan City, Indiana _____________ percent (______%) of my estate; OR, all the rest of my property, real and personal, to be applied to the general purposes of the school."
A benefactor can donate paid-up life insurance policies or pay premiums on a new policy that designates the Foundation as owner or beneficiary. The proper designation of life insurance is "the Notre Dame School Foundation of Long Beach, Indiana, Inc., an Indiana not-for-profit corporation located in Michigan City, Indiana."
Donors can use various methods to donate appreciated real estate to the Foundation. Please contact the Foundation to learn more about how you can assist our students through a gift of real estate.
Retirement plans offer a unique opportunity for gifting. Depending on the donor, the tax liability on a retirement plan may be as much as 80%. The retirement plan could be donated to a qualified charity and avoid the 80% tax while gifting 100% to the charity. In order to donate a retirement plan to the Foundation, please designate the beneficiary of the plan as "the Notre Dame School Foundation of Long Beach, Indiana, Inc., an Indiana not-for-profit corporation located in Michigan City, Indiana."
** Please note that proper tax planning requires the involvement of your attorneys and/or accountants. Any changes to your plan should be reviewed by a professional. If you do not have a professional, please contact the Foundation and we will be happy to provide you with one.
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