Pack the Pews Mass 1/26 at 9:30 AM to kick off Catholic Schools Week
Pack the Pews Mass 1/26 at 9:30 AM to kick off Catholic Schools Week
When an animal is to be brought into a classroom a note will be sent home with the students of that class notifying the parents that an animal will be present. If known in advance this will be done at the beginning of the school year. It is up to the parents to notify the teacher or principal if their student is allergic to the animal. Upon such notice, the Principal will confer with the Teacher and determine what options are available or changing to a different species with no allergy problems, or not having an animal in the classroom.
If after an animal is brought into the classroom, the parent finds their student is allergic to the animal, the school will work with the parent and teacher to resolve the issue. If necessary, housekeeping will clean all surfaces in the classroom to remove any animal dander that may still cause an allergic reaction by the student.
Food and animal bedding shall be stored in appropriate sealable containers to avoid attracting pests.
The principal, when requested by a teacher, has the authority to determine if it is appropriate to bring an animal into the classroom.
Cleaning: Cages shall be cleaned by the teacher in charge of the animal (or by students with parent consent) on a routine basis as to avoid offensive odors or pest issues. Aquariums with fish are to be maintained by the teacher in charge of the aquarium including cleaning as needed. When appropriate, teachers may allow students to handle and/or feed the animals.
A. Purpose:
B. Applicability:
C. Steps:
1. Inventory
2. Purchasing
i. Maintenance approves purchases and orders all materials.
ii. Donated items such as hand sanitizers and any products staff want to bring
into the school must be approved by school administration.
a. First in first out policy is followed. (over purchasing and stock piling are not
b. The least toxic chemical that is still effective for the job is selected.. This
includes selection of cleaning supplies as well as teaching tools for classrooms.
Micro and green Chemistry is encouraged.
c. This school will not purchase chemicals listed on the Banned Chemical List.
3. Use
Measuring devices or direct mixing systems are to be used. Any warnings, especially
requirements for ventilation are to be followed .
b) When possible, use of cleaning products should be performed when students are
not present.
c) Areas where chemicals are being used will be properly ventilated.
d) Only properly trained staff may use hazardous chemicals. Staff will receive
annual training and when required, certification (i.e., pesticide applicators).
e) Required notification procedures will be followed (i.e., pesticide notifications)
4. Storage
properly labeled and approved for such use.
b) Storage areas will be properly ventilated.
c) Storage areas will be compatible with the chemicals being stored in them
d) Reactive chemicals will not be stored near each other.
e) Hazardous chemicals will be stored in locked areas at all times.
f) All original containers will be labeled with the date received
5. Disposal
b) Disposal will follow state regulations. Pouring down the drain or throwing in the
trash is not acceptable or proper disposal in most instances.
c) The school has a budget for proper disposal of hazardous waste.
6. Spills, Explosions, and Accidents (including inhalation, ingestion, or direct contact)
b) Call 911
c) Call Indiana Poison Center at 1-800-222-1222
A: Purpose
B: Applicability
C: Idling
1. Posting
2. Requirements
D: Exemptions
1. Safety of Children or Emergencies
2. Hot or Cold Weather
3. Maintenance Operations
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